shacollector について


    Script Name: shacollector.bat
    Purpose:     collect support information logs related to SHA Area. 
    Version:     8.0
    Last Update: 14th Sep 2022

    Developer:      Shohei Sadashima / Konan Morimoto / Koji Ishida / Norimasa Okawa / Jun Nakayamada / Takahiro Aizawa
    Email-Alias: shsadash / kojii / nookawa / junakaya / taaizawa


shacollector is a tool that makes it easy to collect data for problem solving which is included in trace logs (ETW), performance logs (perfmon or xperf), event logs and a lot of status information related to SHA area (Storage, Cluster and Hyper-V).

What’s New in this Version 8.0

  • add vhd trace option @Koji Ishida


Q. 資料採取時の負荷、および、ログサイズの目安を教えてほしい。

A. スペックにも依存するため一概にお伝えすることができませんが、弊社内での確認結果 (参考値) を以下に記載します。

  1. トレースログ

    • CPU/メモリ負荷
      • 実行前
        • CPU (プロセッサ数 2 ): 約 2 ~ 4 % 使用
        • メモリ(4 GB): 約 10 % 使用
      • ログ採取時
        • CPU (プロセッサ数 2 ): ピークで約 10 ~ 15 %上昇 (平均 5 % 程度上昇)
        • メモリ(4 GB): 約 3 % 上昇
    • ログサイズ : 約 3.6 GB 
  2. サポート ログ (support all オプション)

    • CPU/メモリ負荷
      • 実行前
        • CPU (プロセッサ数 2 ): 約 2 ~ 4 % 使用
        • メモリ(4 GB): 約 15 % 使用
      • ログ採取時
        • CPU (プロセッサ数 2 ): ピークで 約10 ~ 15 % 上昇 (平均 5 %程度上昇)
        • メモリ(4 GB): 約 4 % 上昇
    • ログサイズ:約 4 GB 

Q. support all の取得時間について教えてほしい

A. 大半のケースにおいては 1 時間以内で完了するものの、取得時間は環境に大きく依存するため、正確な時間をお伝えすることができません。

Q. support all の取得の際、msinfo32 の取得に時間がかかる場合の回避策について教えてほしい

A. support all ではなく、support nomsinfo オプションをご利用ください。
support nomsinfo オプションは msinfo32 の取得のみを省略しており、msinfo32 以外は support all と同じログを取得します。
shacollector.bat support nomsinfo <保存先>

Q. support all 取得中に途中で終了したい場合はどうすればいいか教えてほしい

A. support all を実行しているコマンドプロンプトで Ctrl + C を入力し、
”バッチ ジョブを終了しますか (Y/N)?” に Y で応答してください。
なお、msinfo 取得中に強制終了したい場合は、タスクマネージャーを開き、msinfo32.exe を強制終了してください。

Q. support all の取得が完了したことを確認する方法を教えてほしい

A. コマンドプロンプト上、“Start msinfo32 … done” まで記録されていれば、support all の最後まで取得が完了しています。

Q. 資料採取時に一時ファイルは作成されますか?

A. はい、support all オプションでイベントログを取得の際、以下のパスに一時ファイルが作成されるケースが報告されています。
大きなイベントログが存在する場合、上記の一時ファイルの容量も大きくなるため、容量に余裕が無い場合には、support all の出力先として他のドライブを保存先として指定することをご検討ください。
shacollector.bat support all <出力先>

How to use it

First, specify main options (trace, perf and support) and select sub option that specifies the information to collect. Then, ’trace’ and ‘perf’ can be specified with ‘start’ to start and ‘stop’ to stop log collection. The ‘support’ option collects various status information and logs without specifying ‘start’ and ‘stop’. By default, logs are saved in ‘c:\mslog’, but you can specify the output destination.


  • To collect trace log related I/O drivers (storport.sys, classpnp …). And change the output folder to ’d:\logs’.
shacollector.bat trace storage start d:\logs
shacollector.bat trace storage stop
  • To specify log file size in MB. default size is 4096 MB.
shacollector.bat trace storage start size 1024 d:\logs
shacollector.bat trace storage stop
  • To collect multiple trace logs (ex. storport and vss). The log files are saved in ‘c:\mslog’ as the default.
shacollector.bat trace storport start
shacollector.bat trace vss start
shacollector.bat trace storport stop
shacollector.bat trace vss stop
  • To collect trace log (ex. storport) at OS startup.
shacollector.bat trace storport boot
<restart OS>
shacollector.bat trace storport stop
shacollector.bat trace storport delete
  • To collect performance monitor log. The sample interval is 15sec as the default but it can be change.
shacollector.bat perf perfmon start
shacollector.bat perf perfmon stop
  • To collect performance monitor log at 1 sec as sample interval. And change the output folder to ’d:\logs’.
shacollector.bat perf perfmon start d:\logs interval 0:0:1
shacollector.bat perf perfmon stop
  • To collect performance monitor log at 1 sec as sample interval. And change the output folder to ’d:\logs’ And to specify 7 days as retention days (default 3 days).
shacollector.bat perf perfmon start d:\logs interval 0:0:1 days 7
shacollector.bat perf perfmon stop
  • To collect xperf log for investigating the cpu load. And change the output folder to ’d:\logs’.
shacollector.bat perf cpu start d:\logs
shacollector.bat perf cpu stop
  • To specify log file size 4096 MB. default size is 8192 MB.
shacollector.bat perf cpu start size 4096 d:\logs
shacollector.bat perf cpu stop
  • To collect xperf log for investigating the memory exhaustion. The log files are saved in ‘c:\mslog’ as the default.
shacollector.bat perf memory start
shacollector.bat perf memory stop
  • To collect xperf log for investigating the I/O load. The log files are saved in ‘c:\mslog’ as the default.
shacollector.bat perf disk start
shacollector.bat perf disk stop
  • To collect all relevant support information logs such as event logs, registry, dik and network configuration and so on. And change the output folder to ’d:\logs’.
shacollector.bat support all d:\logs
  • To collect all relevant support information logs without msinfo32. And change the output folder to ’d:\logs’.
shacollector.bat support nomsinfo d:\logs
  • To collect specific support information logs (disk, network and event logs).
shacollector.bat support disk
shacollector.bat support network
shacollector.bat support eventlog


shacollector.bat trace [trace option] start size [Maximum log file size in MB (default 4096 MB)] [output folder (default c:\mslog)]
shacollector.bat trace [trace option] stop
shacollector.bat trace [trace option] boot size [Maximum log file size in MB (default 4096 MB)] [output folder (default c:\mslog)]
shacollector.bat trace [trace option] delete

shacollector.bat perf perfmon start [output folder (default c:\mslog)] interval [sample interval [hh:mm:ss] (ex. 00:00:15) default 15sec] days [retention days (default 3 days)]
shacollector.bat perf cpu start size [Maximum log file size in MB (default 8192 MB)] [output folder (default c:\mslog)]
shacollector.bat perf cpu stop
shacollector.bat perf memory start size [Maximum log file size in MB (default 8192 MB)] [output folder (default c:\mslog)] tag "POOL TAG (ex. FMfn)"
shacollector.bat perf memory stop
shacollector.bat perf disk start size [Maximum log file size in MB (default 8192 MB)] [output folder (default c:\mslog)]
shacollector.bat perf disk stop
shacollector.bat perf delay start size [Maximum log file size in MB (default 8192 MB)] [output folder (default c:\mslog)]
shacollector.bat perf delay stop
shacollector.bat perf heap start pid "Process ID (ex. 1234)" enable
shacollector.bat perf heap start [output folder (default c:\mslog)] pid "Process ID (ex. 1234)" snap
shacollector.bat perf heap stop
shacollector.bat perf boot start [output folder (default c:\mslog)] 
shacollector.bat perf boot stop
shacollector.bat support all [output folder (default c:\mslog)]
shacollector.bat support basic [output folder (default c:\mslog)]
shacollector.bat support [supportlog option] [output folder (default c:\mslog)]
shacollector.bat support nomsinfo [output folder (default c:\mslog)]

available trace option:

storage   collecting storage drivers trace. (ex storport.sys, classpnp.sys ...)
storport  collecting storport driver trace.
ntfs      collecting NTFS driver trace.
usb       collecting USB drivers trace.
pnp       collecting Plug and Play drivers trace.
com       collecting COM/COM+ services trace.
vds       collecting VDS services trace. (Windows Server 2012 or later)
vss       collecting VSS services trace. (Windows Server 2008 R2 or later)
wsb       collecting Windows Server Backup modules trace. (Windows Server 2008 R2 or later)
cdrom     collecting CD/DVD modules trace.
ata       collecting ATAPort drivers trace.
fsrm      collecting FSRM drivers trace.
dedup     collecting Dedup drivers trace. (Windows Server 2012 or later)
nfs       collecting NFS services trace.
network   collecting Network driver trace.
iscsi     collecting iSCSI driver trace.
csv       collecting CSV drivers trace.
wmi       collecting WMI services trace.
rpc       collecting RPC services trace.
hyper-v   collecting Hyper-V modules trace.
cluster   collecting Failover Clustering trace (included netft trace).
space     collecting Storage Space trace.
storagereplica     collecting Storage Replica trace.
msdtc     collecting MSDTC trace.
fltmgr    collecting Filter Manager trace.
packet    collecting Network Packet Capture. (Windows Server 2008 R2 or later)
procmon   collecting Process Monitor log of Sysinternals.
psr       collecting Problems Steps Recorder log. (maxlogsize is 10MB)
refs      collecting ReFS drivers trace.
storsvc   collecting Storage Sensor Service trace.
vhd       collecting VHD trace.

available performance option:

perfmon   collecting Performance Monitor log. default sample interval is 15sec. default retention term is 3 days.
cpu       collecting CPU perf logs with Xperf.
memory    collecting Memory perf logs with Xperf.
disk      collecting Disk perf logs with Xperf.
delay     collecting Delay perf logs with Xperf.
heap      collectiong Heap performance log with rdrleakdiag.

available support option:

all             collecting all support logs.
   included cluster, disk, diskshadow, driverinfo, eventlog, fltmc, fsrm, handle, hyper-v, iscsi, network, nfs, registry, storagereplica, system, setup, taskscheduler, vss
basic           collecting basic support logs.
   included disk, driverinfo, eventlog, fltmc, network, system, vss
cluster         collecting cluster information logs.
disk            collecting disk information logs.
diskshadow      collecting diskshadow information logs.
driverinfo      collecting driver information logs.
drive-space     collecting drive space information logs.
eventlog        collecting eventlog information logs.
fltmc           collecting filter driver information logs.
fsrm            collecting fsrm information logs.
handle          collecting file handle information.
hyper-v         collecting hyper-v information logs.
iscsi           collecting iscsi information logs.
network         collecting network information logs.
nfs             collecting nfs information logs.
registry        collecting registry information logs.
storagereplica  collecting Storage Replica information logs.
system          collecting system information logs.
system-nomsinfo collecting system information logs without msinfo32.
taskscheduler   collecting task scheduler information logs.
virtualfc       collecting virtual fc information.
vss             collecting vss information logs.
setup           collecting setup information logs.
fsi             collecting file system information logs.
crash           generate blue screen of death (BSOD).
nomsinfo        collecting all support logs without msinfo32.

Update History:

2018/07/30 v1.0 making @Koji Ishida.
2018/09/21 v1.1 add WinRM event log @Koji Ishida.
2018/11/12 v1.2 add Hyper-V trace @Koji Ishida.
2018/11/15 v1.3 add Storage Space trace @Koji Ishida.
2018/11/19 v1.4 add S2D and Network information @Koji Ishida.
2018/12/25 v1.5 add setup logs @Koji Ishida
2019/01/17 v1.6 add mpclaim output @Koji Ishida
2019/02/18 v1.7 add nfs and storage replica configuration @Koji Ishida
2019/03/27 v1.8 add Windows Firewall info in Network @Koji Ishida
2019/03/29 v1.9 add packet capture for boot mode @Koji Ishida
2019/03/29 v2.0 add diskshadow and autmount log @Koji Ishida
2019/04/15 v2.1 add get VMQ config @Koji Ishida
2019/05/27 v2.2 add FailoverClustering-Manager trace and Hyper-V information @Koji Ishida
2019/05/31 v2.3 implement to check admin authority. @Koji Ishida
2019/06/04 v2.4 add NFS infomation and iSCSI information @Koji Ishida
2019/07/03 v2.5 implement to change output folder @Koji Ishida
2019/07/09 v2.6 fix a bug @Koji Ishida
2019/09/13 v2.7 implement to get all application and service log files @Koji Ishida
2019/09/14 v2.8 implement showvminfo for 2008 R2/2012 of Hyper-V @Koji Ishida
2019/09/15 v2.9 implement procmon/perfmon/xperf @Koji Ishida
2019/09/20 v3.0 implement dir/du/fsutil/chkdsk/defrag @Jun Nakayamada
2019/10/01 v3.1 change vmms and vmwp trace log size 64MB to 1GB.
2019/10/04 v3.2 fix a bug @Jun Nakayamada
2019/10/10 v3.3 add VSS logs to drive space information logs
2019/10/16 v3.4 fix a bug for perfmon and disable collecting diskshadow @Koji Ishida
2019/10/17 v3.5 add crash, handle and netft option @Koji Ishida
2019/11/01 v3.5 modify vss trace flag to 0x00000fff @Koji Ishida
2019/11/09 v3.6 modify hyper-v trace and xperf stop behavior @Koji Ishida
2019/11/10 v3.7 implement to get eventlog files with csv type. modify pefmon/procmon. implement get-virtualfc @Koji Ishida
2020/01/07 v4.0 new implementation @Koji Ishida
2020/01/16 v4.1 fix a bug for perfmon @Koji Ishida
2020/01/17 v4.2 add setup logs for support @Koji Ishida
2020/01/22 v4.3 add RDMA Activity counter for perfmon @Koji Ishida
2020/01/23 v4.4 add S2D information for support @Koji Ishida
2020/01/24 v4.5 add restart task for perfmon @Koji Ishida
2020/01/24 v4.6 fix the wrong path was specified for perfmon @Koji Ishida
2020/02/05 v4.7 modify perfmon counter list for perfmon @Koji Ishida
2020/03/10 v4.8 modify cdrom trace @Koji Ishida
2020/03/23 v4.9 add support fsi option @Norimasa Okawa
2020/03/25 v5.0 add perf heap option @Norimasa Okawa
2020/04/16 v5.1 modify support fsi option @Koji Ishida
2020/05/07 v5.2 add ntfs trace @Koji Ishida
2020/05/11 v5.3 implement to avoid double execution of perfmon @Koji Ishida
2020/05/18 v5.4 implement to avoid double execution of trace @Koji Ishida
2020/06/18 v5.5 add virtual-fc trace in hyper-v trace @Koji Ishida
2020/06/29 v5.6 add MSDTC trace @Shohei Sadashima
2020/07/10 v5.7 fix the data collector set name of hyper-v trace. @Koji Ishida
2020/07/28 v5.8 add collecting core information for support log  and supports nfs version 4 tracing. @Koji Ishida
2020/09/01 v5.9 add get-ClusterNode command result @Konan Morimoto
2020/09/25 v6.0 transport the shacollector version info to the option.txt. @Shohei Sadashima
2021/03/05 v6.1 implement size option/add filter manager trace/implement boot option for procmon/implement days option for perfmon. @Koji Ishida
2021/03/24 v6.2 implement add refs driver trace. @Koji Ishida
2021/04/05 v6.3 fix the handling of perf memory. @Koji Ishida
2021/04/07 v6.4 modify drive-space logs @Jun Nakayamada, Add folder option to MSDTC trace @Shohei Sadashima 
2021/05/07 v6.5 add Get-ClusterSharedVolumeState to the cluster infomation. @Shohei Sadashima
2021/05/28 v6.6 add Get-ClusterQuorum to the cluster infomation. @Shohei Sadashima / Update Tools @Koji Ishida
2021/07/01 v6.7 add Dynamic Memory for Hyper-V trace @Koji Ishida
2021/07/07 v6.8 implement EULA @Koji Ishida
2021/11/17 v6.9 add registry information in perf/disk and add time/data information in option.txt. @Yudong Ma 
2022/01/20 v7.0 add boot trace for performance log option@Takahiro Aizawa / implement to handle powershell execution policy @Koji Ishida
2022/01/21 v7.1 add partmgr GUID for storage.bat / add network info for network support log. @Koji Ishida
2022/02/22 v7.2 refresh WPT files. @Koji Ishida
2022/02/22 v7.3 delete Zone.Identifier stream. @Koji Ishidaq
2022/02/25 v7.4 add storsvc trace (Storage Sensor). @Koji Ishida
2022/03/03 v7.5 add Get-MpPreference in system.bat of support. @Norimasa Okawa
2022/05/10 v7.6 change wmic and Get-WmiObject to Get-CimInstance. @Norimasa Okawa
2022/06/24 v7.7 add registry information for Storage Sensor. @Shohei Sadashima
2022/07/07 v7.8 add NTFS compression info for drive-space. @Koji Ishida
2022/07/27 v7.9 add nomsinfo option @Shohei Sadashima
2022/09/14 v8.0 add vhd trace option @Koji Ishida